Telegram Premium is an optional subscription service for the messaging app Telegram that unlocks additional features and benefits. It’s designed to support the app’s development while keeping it ad-free and user-focused. Here’s a quick rundown of what Telegram Premium offers: Increased Limits: You’ll get bigger file upload limits (4GB each), more channels you can follow, more chats you can manage, and more pins and saved stickers. Enhanced Features: This includes faster download speeds, voice-to-text conversion for voice and video messages, animated profile pictures, unique emoji reactions, and advanced chat management tools. Exclusive Touches: You get access to a wider collection of stickers and emojis, a premium badge on your profile, custom app icons, and the ability to set emoji statuses. Ad-Free Experience: You won’t see any ads while using Telegram. If you’re a heavy Telegram user who wants more storage space, faster downloads, and some extra customization options, then Telegram Premium might be worth considering. However, the base version of Telegram is still quite feature-rich, so it all depends on your individual needs.. Notice: To activate a 1-month subscription, you will need to log in to your Telegram account, phone number, and then a code.
- Smart Phone
- Tablets
- Button Phone
- Landline Phone
- Laptop & Desktop Computers
- All-In-One
- Gaming Desktop
- Laptops & Notebook
- Gaming Laptop
- MacBook
- Gaming Consoles
- PlayStation Console
- Xbox Consoles
- Nintendo Switch
- Other Consoles & Game
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